Strategic Partnership – A Shared Vision

Red Mesa Science & Refining refines CBD, CBG, CBN, CBT, CBL and CBDa utilizing sophisticate liquid chromatography equipment from Rotachrom.

Red Mesa Science & Refining and RotaChrom Technologies Announce Partnership for Greater Collaborative Efforts to Help Grow the Hemp CBD Industry

Red Mesa Science & Refining is proud to announce the formation of its long-term strategic partnership with RotaChrom Technologies, developer of the first industrial-scale Centrifugal Partition Chromatography (CPC) technology platform.

The collaboration between RotaChrom and Red Mesa intends to further both companies’ dedication to the remediation of THC and the efficient isolation of cannabinoids to advance the industry forward. With deep tactical engagement between our teams and the sharing of resources, the partnership is ideally positioned to identify demand for new minors in the global marketplace and efficiently manufacture at scale to fulfill those needs.

Red Mesa Strategic partnership with RotaChrom Technologies to identify, refine and purify CBD minors

Together we share a common vision and commitment to continually innovate refining processes to offer the most compelling products and services to our customers. Red Mesa is the first known company to develop production methods to refine CBT and CBE at scale using RotaChrom’s system.

“Our goal to lead the industry in terms of setting the production processing standards and product purity is the core of our founding principles. On top of that fundamental belief is our intense desire to be creative with our research and process development as we expand the production gates of operation. The breakthrough made with CBT and CBE is just the beginning of a long runway for the refining of new minors and custom blends”. – Danton Brown, Director of Technology & Engineering

Red Mesa’s facility features RotaChrom’s pCPC platform comprised of two systems, the rCPC and iCPC. The rCPC is designed to execute preliminary and small-scale purification jobs within the Red Mesa laboratory for research and to analyze continuous batch production. At an industrial scale, our iCPC platform precisely isolates and purifies target molecules up to 99% in purity while remediating pesticides and removing THC.

“In deciding to move ahead with the RotaChrom pCPC System, the refinement and purity of higher value minors at scale and the ability to operate our processes consistently under the highest quality standards was paramount. Our focus was to secure a relationship with a partner that best complimented our team of talented chemists and researchers. With this view, we were confident that we had selected the best candidate in the field.”  – Jeff Applegate, President of Red Mesa

Sustainable Cannabinoid Refinement Furthers Red Mesa’s Product Portfolio

Red Mesa Science & Refining Partners with RotaChrom for the Refinement and Purification of CBD Minors at Scale

Focused Additionally, our partnership is ideally aligned with our own efforts to support environmental sustainability. RotaChrom’s refining and purification system creates significantly less environmental impact by recycling up to 95% of solvents (requiring fewer solvents) and incorporating its two liquid phases, eliminating solid state waste discharge.

Leveraging this technology and both companies’ team of engineers and chemists has opened the door to diversifying our product portfolio and custom formulations for large-scale product formulators. As we enter into this new strategic partnership with RotaChrom, we are excited at the prospects of future collaboration both in manufacturing processes and in R&D to produce successful outcomes together.



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